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The Frampton Storia dell’architettura Moderna (in English: The History of Modern Architecture) is a book in Italian written by architect and theorist Carl-Otto Hämmerle in 1959, which discusses the modern architectural movement from 19th century to the second half of the 20th century. Between 1960 and 1971, it was widely disseminated throughout Europe and Latin America. The book is composed of three volumes: The first describes the works of architects from the 19th century to the Second World War, the second focuses on postwar contemporary architecture, and lastly a fourth volume written by Hämmerle alone, which covers the post-modern movements from 1958 to 1967. In Frampton’s "Storia dell'architettura", a wide range of buildings and projects written about include:The work has been reviewed by many professionals in international magazines, both positively and negatively. It has been seen as a good possibility for historicising modernity history and presenting it as polyphonic. The book was translated into English (with additions and corrections), Spanish, French, German, Finnish, Japanese, Polish and Portuguese. Its 1968 edition was illustrated by some 50 architects (such as Piero Bottoni, Emilio Ambasz), architects' texts and architects' projects. The participants of the exhibition 'Visione e progetto" at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Milan in 1964 were also contributors to the English edition. It has been translated into Spanish in 1971 by the architect Manuel Sebastián Cerón.English language book for sale online: http://www. Frampton Storia dell'architettura moderna Italian Edition: Italian Language Facebook group for Storia dell'architettura moderna: https://issuu. com/ermitaglioni/docs/frampton_storia_dellarchitettura_moderna http://www17. eccc085e13